Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities2020-10-21T05:51:25+00:00

The global center nervous system therapeutic market was worth USD 77.2 billion in 2016 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.9%

Venture into the biomedical research market or extend your reach into it by investing in RBI, Inc. Your funding will help us continue making inroads into the field of stem cell research and treatments. Contact us for additional details about investing.

Our proprietary delivery method solves the problems of:

  • Accessing the center of the brain, and the brain’s lymphatic system.
  • Getting IV or oral medications to cross the blood brain barrier.
  • Lumbar puncture administration where cells merely settle to the bottom of the spinal canal.
  • Multiple painful spinal taps to administer the cells into the cerebrospinal fluid. It allows unlimited, painless, dosing for years and years.
  • Cells causing CSF outflow problems. Delivery port acts as a safety valve in case of any problems of elevated intracranial pressure.
  • Multiple Painful spinal taps to draw off cerebrospinal fluid for testing and other treatments in the future.

Provisional Patent Applications

  • WNT-activated adipose-derived stem cell apparatuses, methods and systems.
  • Methods and apparatuses for instilling stem cells and pharmaceuticals into the human ventricular system.

RBI, Inc. is set to make a mark in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. By making a biomedical investment with our company, you help us continue our work on effective treatments for Alzheimer’s, ALS, and Parkinson’s disease. The following is a timeline of where this area of medical research stands, including successes and failures.


Probable Multifactorial Etiologies for Neurodegenerative Diseases – A stem cell can address many targets at once. We feel it is naive to believe that a single gene alteration, or genetic change can effect a clinical change, in diseases that are most certainly multifactorial. Finally, we begged the question: if a stem cell is genetically altered, does it still act as a pluripotential stem cell?

The Numerous Classes of Neurodegenerative Drugs That Have Failed to Date – This includes the monoclonal antibodies, the gamma-secretase inhibitors, neurochemical enhancers, and targeting drugs.

Failure to Produce Desired Effects – The inefficacy of current FDA approved drugs to alter the course of neurodegenerative diseases.

Relying on a Single Dose – We offer the ability to bank and multiply cells by factors of 10 or 100s at our discretion and deliver dosing over years and years.

Rejection and Potential Immune Responses against Allogeneic Cell Alternatives – This involves the safer use of autologous cells versus allogeneic.

Medical Tourism – Patients will sometimes travel to receive a single stem cell injection, usually IV; and cells are stopped by the lung.

Genetically Modified Cells – Does a genetically modified stem cell still act like a stem cell?

Lack of Pharmaceutical Alternatives – There are no FDA-approved drugs for progressive multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson’s “plus” syndromes. And only a single ineffective drug approved for ALS.

Discover The Future

Our company is at the forefront of the biomedical research industry thanks to professionals who have had more than 30 years of medical and research experience.

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